Solid Play and Good Vibes in Round 3

Inaugural Swiss - Round 3 Results

In Round 3 of the Inaugural Swiss, nearly 20 players showed up at the club to enjoy rated and casual chess; most impressive was the energy throughout. As people arrived, there was palpable socialization, blitz play, and cooperative analysis. It was a lively evening, and I’m grateful to have been able to spend it with engaged club members.

The featured match was the Battle of the Unbeatens in which Andrew Fleming, on the white pieces, played the Petrosian Variation of the Kings Indian Defense against Tariq Yue. This variation leads to attacking opportunities on opposite sides of the board where white seeks to play b4 and black aims for an f5 pawn break. Tariq was quicker to carry out the black objective and secured the win; though, both played extremely well with accuracy scores above 85% in a complex position. The game is included below in addition to an excellent YouTube commentary of the Petrosian Variation.

Finally, the standings at the end of Round 3 (of 5 total) can be found below. As a reminder, players may join any week and are not required to play each round. I hope to see you all on Tuesday, September 26th for Round 4.

Inaugural Swiss Standings

1Tariq Yue1991+W12+W5+B23.0
2Andrew Fleming1914+B13+W3-W12.0
3Edmund Kline1899+W14-B2+B62.0
4Denis Markov2004+B7=Bye1.5
5Joe Mucerino2067+W16-B1=Bye1.5
6Nicholas Lampros1819+B15=Bye-W31.5
7Sean Pry1589-W4+B10=Bye1.5
8Aaron Biscoe1873=Bye+W131.5
9Benjamin Koo1621=Bye+W151.5
10Sean Kellyunr.=Bye-W7=B111.0
11Robert Flanagan1459=Bye=W101.0
12Christian Vasquez-Murray1378-B1=Bye0.5
13Alex Lampros1046-W2=Bye-B80.5
14Lou Gotlib891-B3=Bye0.5
15Claudio Espejounr.-W6=Bye-B90.5
16Donald Anderson1748-B5=Bye0.5
Inaugural Swiss – Round 3 Standings

Petrosian Variation Commentary

Cedar Creek Catering

Thank you to Cedar Creek Catering for providing the venue! Remember to check them out at the Media Farmers Market.

As always, if you have suggestions for the club, please get in touch. We are interested in experimenting with new ideas.